Code Walkthrough for Identified OSS Projects


Git Repo:

Description: Inspired by overseer and endless, with minimum codes and handy api to make http server graceful.

options or optional configs

var (
	defaultWatchInterval = time.Second
	defaultStopTimeout   = 20 * time.Second
	defaultReloadSignals = []syscall.Signal{syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGUSR1}
	defaultStopSignals   = []syscall.Signal{syscall.SIGKILL, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT}

	StartedAt time.Time

type option struct {
	reloadSignals []syscall.Signal
	stopSignals   []syscall.Signal
	watchInterval time.Duration
	stopTimeout   time.Duration

type Option func(o *option)

// WithReloadSignals set reload signals, otherwise, default ones are used
func WithReloadSignals(sigs []syscall.Signal) Option {
	return func(o *option) {
		o.reloadSignals = sigs

// WithStopSignals set stop signals, otherwise, default ones are used
func WithStopSignals(sigs []syscall.Signal) Option {
	return func(o *option) {
		o.stopSignals = sigs

// WithStopTimeout set stop timeout for graceful shutdown
//  if timeout occurs, running connections will be discard violently.
func WithStopTimeout(timeout time.Duration) Option {
	return func(o *option) {
		o.stopTimeout = timeout

// WithWatchInterval set watch interval for worker checking master process state
func WithWatchInterval(timeout time.Duration) Option {
	return func(o *option) {
		o.watchInterval = timeout


func NewServer(opts ...Option) *Server {
	option := &option{
		reloadSignals: defaultReloadSignals,
		stopSignals:   defaultStopSignals,
		watchInterval: defaultWatchInterval,
		stopTimeout:   defaultStopTimeout,
	for _, opt := range opts {
	return &Server{
		addrs:    make([]address, 0),
		handlers: make([]http.Handler, 0),
		opt:      option,


func (m *master) forkWorker() (int, error) {
	path := os.Args[0]
	var args []string
	if len(os.Args) > 1 {
		args = os.Args[1:]

	env := append(os.Environ(), fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", EnvWorker, ValWorker), fmt.Sprintf("%s=%d", EnvNumFD, len(m.extraFiles)), fmt.Sprintf("%s=%d", EnvParentPid, os.Getpid()), fmt.Sprintf("%s=%d", EnvOldWorkerPid, m.workerPid))

	cmd := exec.Command(path, args...)
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	cmd.ExtraFiles = m.extraFiles
	cmd.Env = env
	err := cmd.Start()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	atomic.AddInt32(&m.livingWorkerNum, 1)
	go func() {
		m.workerExit <- cmd.Wait()
	return cmd.Process.Pid, nil


Git Repo:

Description: Zero downtime restarts for golang HTTP and HTTPS servers. (for golang 1.3+)

Similar to graceful but have a fetcher to fetch the updated binary to "upgrade" itself.


Git Repo:

Description: This provides the lru package which implements a fixed-size thread safe LRU cache. It is based on the cache in Groupcache.

A map + a doubly LinkedList is the best way to implement LRU cache.

In Golang, it's map[interface{}]*list.Element + container/list.List:

// LRU implements a non-thread safe fixed size LRU cache
type LRU struct {
	size      int
	evictList *list.List
	items     map[interface{}]*list.Element
	onEvict   EvictCallback

// entry is used to hold a value in the evictList
type entry struct {
	key   interface{}
	value interface{}

Last updated